Sunday, July 14, 2013

Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell Blacklist releases this August

The Blacklist:

Sam is back in his tactical suit and goggles, and he's more deadly than ever. He is the only secret operative with the power to act above the law, and use ruthless methods to interrogate enemies in order to extract crucial information that will prevent the next blackout.

Sam Fisher knows exactly what he was made to be: a multimillion-dollar weapon developed by the US government to do what few others can do. Long before Third Echelon tapped him to be the first Splinter Cell agent, Sam was operating behind enemy lines, in situations where traditional rules of engagement didn’t apply. From Panama and the Persian Gulf to Bolivia, Columbia, Yugoslavia, and Kosovo, Fisher carried out missions which most American citizens would be horrified to learn about, should the US Government ever admit they occurred. A former Navy SEAL, Sam belonged to an elite brotherhood of warriors ready to sacrifice their lives in defense of America’s freedoms. Combat, espionage, and constant training have defined his adult life. His tactical experience has become part of his instinct.
Now, however, he stands alone, having rejected what his service had become and the mandates of those giving him orders. Having sacrificed everything for his country – his marriage, his daughter, his reputation, and his best friend – he finished his last assignment and walked away, a human weapon gone rogue. And the funny thing is, he almost didn’t become a soldier at all.